Are you prepared to move your phones to the cloud?
For most offices the answer is yes but you should consider a few things before taking the leap.
What Zombies Consider Before Getting a Hosted Phone System
Okay, full disclosure here, this article has zero to do with Zombies. The title is total click bait a suggestion I got from one of those headline generator websites. I apologize. The thing is there have been tons of articles posted on the internet about this subject and the only reason I felt a need to chime in is because they are usually written by carriers hoping to prove their solution is the best.
7 Steps to Develop a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Strategy.
Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan till' they get punched in the mouth” and nowhere in business is that truer than when looking at Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR). According to eweek only 70% of business update their BCDR plan every 1 to 5 years, only a third of business surveyed tested their BCDR plan once a year, and a staggering 17% admit to never testing their BCDR plan. The fact is many companies look at BCDR strategy as a check mark in a box and not an activity vital to securing there companies future.